- 2013
was made from a weathered chunk of
Westonwood stone, which is a
coarse-grained type of limestone.
Phoebe weighs 28.7 lbs
and is about 11
inches high.
The name
Phoebe was
the Roman form of the Greek name
Phoibe, which meant 'bright
and pure' from the Greek Phoibos.
In Greek
mythology, Phoibe was a Titan
the moon. She was the titan
of 'bright intellect'
and the
third deity to hold the Oracle
of Delphi.
The name Phoibe
was also given
to her granddaughter Artemis, goddess of
chastity, the
moon, and the
natural environment.
Artemis asked
her father to grant
her eternal chastity
and virginity. She
rejected marriage
and love and was
devoted to hunting
and nature.
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